Iyanla Really Just Wanted Oprah To Like Her
Iyanla came right out and said that she loved Oprah, but felt that Oprah never really liked her. Well, Oprah used to give her whole show to Iyanla and sit in the audience because she thought Iyanla was so gifted. Oprah clasped Iyanla’s hands and said, “What did you think that meant? I let you take the stage!” Iyanla thought that Oprah only wanted her work, but didn’t care about her as a person. Iyanla laid her insecurities right out there for America to take a look, which was brave. However, it was a bit uncomfortable to see how desperate she is for Oprah’s approval.
No One Puts Oprah In A Corner
Barbara Walters offered Iyanla a show. However, Oprah and her people had already been developing a show for Iyanla, but it wasn’t going to happen for a while. Iyanla said that she fasted and prayed about what do. God told her that it “was the anointed time” for the Iyanla show. So Iyanla went to Ms. O and told her that she’d gotten an offer “from someone big” to do the show now. Oprah thought Iyanla was giving her an ultimatum: Do the show now or I’ll go elsewhere. Well, Oprah don’t play that. She wasn’t about to do Iyanla’s show until she got good and ready. Ms. Winfrey did not get to where she is by backing down. And truthfully her ego was probably a little bruised that Iyanla was considering leaving. So she showed Ms. Iyanla the door. Iyanla says she wasn’t giving Oprah an ultimatum, and expressed her desire to stay at Harpo. Whatever you believe, this meeting ended their association.
Iyanla Wanted Guidance
Iyanla felt that nobody told her that she wasn’t developed enough to do her own show. Oprah felt that she DID tell Iyanla that. Iyanla felt that Oprah was just that saying Harpo wasn’t prepared to do the show. They went back and forth on this one for a while. However, Oprah probably didn’t realize that Iyanla was seeking guidance. After all, it seemed like Iyanla had received guidance from above. And was it really Oprah’s job to guide Iyanla? Iyanla was a grown woman with a distinguished career. As Oprah said, “You knew what you were doing when you walked in that room and you had the intetion to force our hand.” Iyanla went ahead and took the offer from Barbara Walters. Well, it turned out no one was ready to do the show because when Barbara Walters picked up the Iyanla show, it flopped.
Barbara Walters is Shady (According to Iyanla)
Iyanla revealed that she didn’t have an office or any control over her own show. The producers of the Iyanla show had not even read any of her books. It seemed her show was doomed to fail. Iyanla said that she felt like Babs was just trying to steal her away from Oprah. However, Iyanla did take responsibility for her part saying that she shouldn’t have tolerated the negative treatment from the folks on the Iyanla Show. Iyanla later realized that taking the deal with Barbara Walters was part of her pattern of aligning herself with people that treat her badly. She said that she wasn’t able to receive the good things that Oprah was offering because of her own emotional hangups